We are a driver education supply company exclusively dedicated to providing in-car driving school resources. The major part of our business is providing Instructor’s Brake “Kits”. We like to emphasize the word “Kits” because what we supply is not a ready-to-go driver education vehicle, but in reality, is a box of hardware. Some of us find great joy in a box of hardware; and others, “not so much”. If you fall in the “not so much” category, we apologize, as you may not find the dual control section of our web site to be of much help. If this is the case, your first step is finding someone that can do a vehicle modification job for you.
Here are some ideas to help you find someone that can do your vehicle modification job
We recommend that you check with other driving schools in your area to find out who has installed their dual controls in the past.
You may also want to see if there are car customizing shops in your area. Car customizing shops cater to those individuals who think of cars as a whole lot more then a means of getting from A to B. They like to build, restore, and customize street cars and racing vehicles.
You may want to look into Mobility Equipment installers in your area. Mobility Equipment installers provide vehicle adaptations to individuals with physical challenges. They are in the business of providing custom vehicles.
We have a listing on our web site of businesses and individuals who have expressed an interest in doing Instructor’s Brake installations.
You can find this by clicking the following link: View Our Listing Of Potential Installers

Presidents Message:
It all started in my early twenties with the building of a custom vehicle, which led to studying mechanical engineering. A love for cars put me to work as a Driving Instructor. This in return, led me to the realization that driving instructors need a passenger side brake pedal. This can present a challenge for many Driving Instructors, however with my background, I had found an endeavor to pursue.
I hope that you find our web site to be informative and of assistance in providing your driving instructors vehicle.
Sincerely: John Brouwer, President, Brouwer Manufacturing Ltd.